Christmas with the Cooks

It was a WONDERFUL Christmas on Lopez Island. I wish I had more pictures of everything we did! Here are just a few to remember the good times. 🙂

img_0305img_1216img_6708DCIM100GOPROThe Christmas Olympics were a hit, and will definitely be a tradition from this year forward. The “Chest Hair Champions” got lucky with that penny pitch but next time the “Booby Traps” will be triumphant. “Watch your mouth” and Catan were a couple other games we played. img_0321img_0324img_0315Our gingerbread houses are getting more and more impressive each year and we even made our own candy to eat this year (caramel marshmallow krispie nummies and caramel chocolate pretzels–not pictured). img_0317DCIM100GOPRO

DCIM100GOPRODCIM100GOPRODCIM100GOPRODCIM100GOPROI’m really sad I didn’t get a picture of Marne on that little yellow Honda. Still amazed she made it all the way to Watmough and back. Also not pictured is the handful of Hallmark movies, inspired by Monte, that we half watched while building a puzzle or doing this and that (sleeping in Monte’s case  :-). “It’s a Wonderful Life” was our movie of choice on Christmas Eve. img_0313We ended the trip with a killer meal cooked by April and Dane. Mongolian beef with spring rolls and peanut sauce!! We were all in heaven. Once again, forgot to take a picture of the amazing meal but I had Josh snap one of me with some spring rolls. I can’t wait to make them again!img_0327

DCIM100GOPROFamily Pictures out in the rain! Yeah!




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