June Happenings

Some of you have probably seen and or heard that we now have a cute little garden (raised beds) growing and chickens that will probably be laying eggs in a month!! That’s probably the biggest news from our house.

Josh and Monte spent HOURS and hours building the coop. I helped a little. 🙂

We had a visit from Max, Natalie and Danny today!

 Clara is a fun girl. Her newest favorite food is avocado. She will eat half an avocado a day.  She is also a bit obsessed with rice cakes and her favorite music is ENYA and piano guys. She calms down immediately every time when she is upset in the car and we put on enya. She likes dancing to the piano guys.

We also went camping with my brother Jason and his family up Spanish Fork Canyon this weekend and that was fun! Clara didn’t do great overnight but we survived. She loved walking around the campground and collecting rocks, sticks, etc. The campground had a fun river that Jason did some fishing in and caught a few!

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I’ve had a nasty barky cough for about three weeks now. I really hope it goes away ASAP. So far Joshua and Clara have escaped this terrible cough, let’s hope it stays that way.

My mom came to visit me Friday while she was down for a cabin trip. It was so nice to have another adult around during the day! We visited Rowley’s Red Barn and got a yummy caramel apple and flavored popcorn.

Older Picture–flashback three weeks ago to our kayak trip on the Mantua river. ❤ ❤

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